Graphic online shop SOTESHOP

Graphic SOTE

Good graphics of an online store is not only a beautiful appearance, it is also better positioning and more effective advertising.

Create your store

SOTE AI is a powerful tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to support running an online store.

SOTE AI is fully integrated with the SOTESHOP program, allowing you to generate product descriptions, blog posts, translations, and other AI-generated content directly from your store's panel.

Automatically generate content with one click

Generate AI descriptions for products

Generate texts and descriptions for products directly from the panel. Just one click to go to generating AI content for the selected product. Create a new description or expand the existing one.

Write blog posts with AI

Write blog posts with AI

If you want to add a new blog post, simply describe in your own words what should be included in the article. AI will generate the article for you. You can assign AI to creatively create.

AI translations

AI translations

Translate product data with just one click. SOTE AI also translates HTML codes, preserving the layout of the description and added images. You can even translate very long descriptions.

Generate category descriptions wit AI

Generate category descriptions with AI

Create category and manufacturer descriptions with SOTE AI. The system will automatically check subcategories and generate SEO-friendly descriptions. You can also add your own information to generate the description based on.

Generate manufacturer description with AI

Search for similar products and accessories.

AI-powered recommended products suggest items that may interest the customer, even if you don't have a purchase history for them. AI search will find the most relevant products directly in your store.

Images with AI

Images with AI

If you want to add a photo to your blog, just a few clicks. SOTE AI will read your blog post and suggest a photo that matches the content. You can also describe in your own words what kind of photo you need.


New product option presentation format. Clear presentation of sizes, colors, photos, and prices.

We have prepared a new version of product option presentation, making it easier for customers to choose the right variants. The main difference is that the options are no longer presented as a dropdown list but as pictures or selectable items. This presentation increases data clarity and makes the decision-making process easier for customers. The new version of options is available by default.

Greater Knowledge with Chat AI. Additional Product and Store Information.

Chat AI is revolutionizing e-commerce, and we are adding another brick to the revolution by introducing new capabilities for our service. Now, Chat AI not only has the knowledge available on the product page but can also include hidden information and general sales details about the store. These new features allow for even better customer service and can significantly enhance the knowledge Chat AI uses during customer interactions. Help your customers 24/7, 365 days a year. Increase your sales with Chat AI.

Why Update the Graphics in Your Online Store?

In today's world, the appearance of an online store is crucial. Modern, clear, and aesthetic graphics can significantly impact user experience, directly affecting sales results. Many online store owners do not realize how important it is to regularly update their store's appearance. Are you one of them? Does your store need a refresh?

Chat AI and the new GPT-4o Mini version, now 20 times cheaper with OpenAI. Leave the competition behind.

On July 18, 2024, OpenAI released a new version of the GPT model called GPT-4o Mini. It is dedicated to supporting AI assistants, such as SOTE Chat AI. Thanks to the new version, the operating cost through OpenAI decreases 20-fold, and currently, the cost of one chat conversation is about 1 grosz. Additionally, responses are presented faster. Naturally, this model has already been added (five days after its release) to our Chat AI solutions. Learn more about how to use GPT-4o Mini and Chat AI in your online store.